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Sunday, October 2, 2011


MKT619 Project on Brand as a source of competitive edge

Project Summary

We know that. Brand include, name, sign, symbol, color, and combination, slogan. On the other hand brand is the personality that identifies a products, service or company name, name, sign, or design. Some people distinguish the psychological aspect, brand associations like thoughts, feelings, perception, image, experiences, beliefs and attitudes. So in the market lot of brands is fighting in the market. Primary this study is going to conduct over two companies Nestle (milk Pack) and Haleeb Milk. We have often seen in the market, when customers come into the shop, he or she demand with different name, I need Nestle Milk, some of them say we need Haleeb Milk.

Thus the back ground of the project is to find out brand as source of competitive edge, this study will contact over two brands named, nestle (milk pack) and Haleeb Milk. These are the two big brands, which are fighting in the market. Majority of the people use Nestle Milk Pack, this study has find out what are the factors, that force the customers to buy this brand, and how it create completive edge in the market.

Data was collect from the both consumers who were using Nestle Milk Pack and Haleeb Milk. Primary data was collect through questionnaires from the respondents by giving them questionnaires to fill up. Convenience sampling technique was used in this regards. Data was collect from the 100 respondents who were using both company brands. Majority of consumers were using Nestle Milk pack as compare to Haleeb Milk. According to our finding majority of the consumers were using Nestle pack for the last 3 to 4 years. Fewer consumers were found who were using Haleeb Milk from the last 3 to 4 years as compare to Nestle Milk Pack, hence Nestle have more loyal consumers as compare to Haleeb. The perception of consumers regarding to Nestle is a good brand were found true. Majority of the respondents out of my total sample were found that they are coming to purchase both companies brand due to Electronic media, Print media, Billboards advertising. Hence we have reached at this point that these all above media play dramatically role to build strong brand image in consumers mind. Effective advertising has found very essential for creating strong consumers loyalty towards brand.

Every body knows that Brand is the identity of a particular product or service. Brand include, name, sign, symbol, color, and combination, slogan. On the other hand brand is the personality that identifies a products, service or company name, name, sign, or design. Some people distinguish the psychological aspect, brand associations like thoughts, feelings, perception, image, experiences, beliefs and attitudes. So in the market lot of brands is fighting in the market. Primary this study is going to conduct over two companies Nestle (milk Pack) and Haleeb Milk. We have often seen in the market, when customers come into the shop, he or she demand with different name, I need Nestle Milk, some of them say we need Haleeb Milk. So what is reason behind?. If we think simply, we will reach at point, people buy Nestle brand, because of quality purpose, people knows that Nestle produced quality of products, with lot of features, people believe on Nestle, that it produce quality item, that,s why people trust at this brand. On the other hand haleeb Milk is also very good brand; most of the people buy this product very regularly. So these both branding fights is going in the market. This study is going to conduct over both company brand, that how could be possible competitive advantage through core branding, or through brand. For the sake of knowledge and for purpose of finding, I have selected this topic to analysis that how to brand could be prove as competitive edge in the market

Project article written by Mian aamir iqbal anjum

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