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Monday, January 9, 2012


Project Proposal on Measuring of Job satisfaction

We know that today Job satisfaction is great challenge in public and private sectors. According to studies of HARZBERG and Snyderman that job satisfaction is multifaceted phenomenon. According to research various factors are involved that influenced the job satisfaction in both sectors.

Major factors are personal factors that are include sex, age, intelligence, education, The other factors that concern to Job, that include “ the work, skill required, salary difference and security reasons. Now question rise what is job satisfaction?

ccording to Taylor Job satisfaction refers to the way one feels about the events, people and things in his or her working situation. My topic is also related to job satisfaction in public and private sectors in insurance companies. My study aim to analysis and measure the study of job satisfaction in the public and private insurance companies workers.

Background of the Project

As I have mentioned already my study aim is to measure the job satisfaction in the public and private insurance company’s employee. According to my study we will find out the factors that influenced the employee job satisfaction in private sector and in public sectors and will do some Comparative study on both public and private job satisfaction level.

For core and good result my study will be consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data will be collected from the insurances company’s workers, and secondary data will be collected through different research papers. As I have observed many more research are already been done on this issue or topic. We will do comparative study that will examine that how job satisfaction linked organizational performance.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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