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Sunday, June 6, 2010


MKT619 Project Proposal on Advertising Strategies

MKT619 Project Proposal on Advertising Strategies

Executive Summary

Advertising is vital elements of marketing mix for increasing sales revenue by gaining more and more customers through effective advertising strategy. This tool was used first in the modern countries, but now it is becoming very famous in everywhere due to huge competition in the market. Any company who want competitive advantage in the market, it should adopt effective marketing strategy to compete. Various study has been conducted over this topic, how to company attract the customers through using different advertising channel.

The purpose of this study is comparison of advertising strategies between Ufone with that of Warid in pre-pared connection. The study will find out what are the various advertisement tools that both companies are adopting for gaining more customers and which is more effective. It is open crystals that both are market leaders and have effective advertising strategy; mostly customers come after seeing company ads. As we know that today is the age of competition, most of the companies are focusing and spend lot of revenue on advertising to attract the customers. I have heard from the lot of people that Warid is attracting customers through effective market strategy; on the other hand, we cannot ignore Ufone also. This is very vital element from the market mix that are using to deliver a product message to people because lots of companies are surveying in the market.

1. Warid have more effective advertising strategy as compare to Ufone

2. Majority of the consumers watch Warid ads on TV almost 5 time a day as compare to Ufone

3. Majority of the consumers were strongly agree that Warid ads were clear to understand as compare to Ufone

4. Majority of the consumers were found strongly agree that Warid ads frequency were much appropriate then Ufone

5. Majority of the consumers were found strongly agree that Warid ads were much informative then Ufone

6. Majority of the respondents were found strongly agree that Warid ads are more relevant to them

7. Warid ads were more fun to watch as compare to Ufone

8. Most of the consumers were found strongly agree that Warid provide useful information regarding to product as compare to Ufone

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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