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Sunday, October 9, 2011


FIN619-Final Project Proposal


FIN619-Final Project-Finance-Proposal


  1. Liquidity and leverage Ratios’ Analysis

  2. Profitability Ratios’ Analysis

  3. Activity Ratios’ Analysis

  4. Market Ratios’ Analysis

  5. Cash Flow Ratios’ Analysis


Please Select your Topic and send it through email. We will prepare it on demand with very reasonable Price.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


  1. I have to submit Final Project Proposal of Profitability Ratios’ Analysis
    Before 30 Oct-11

  2. Dear Muhammad Arif
    You should email us for further detail

  3. Dear Aamer sb: AsSlam-o-Alaikum and Eid Mubarak (in Advance) The result of the project proposal has been announced, attached please find download of the proposal with instructor comments. Also attached please find copy of the announcement which elaborates what to do next. What I have understood from proposal result and after reading the announcement is that our proposal has been ACCEPTED (please correct me if I am wrong). I think we just need to incorporate the changes suggested by instructor in the proposal. And we should start working on the project keeping in mind the deadline of 16th December. Please review and advise if we are required to submit anything under Assignment No. 2 before the deadline of November 11. I will call you tomorrow to discuss on phone further, in-the-meantime kindly review the attached document


  4. Good to see a tlnaet at work. I can't match that.

  5. Thanks for sharing. What a pelusare to read!

  6. i have submitted the proposal fin 619 but 2nd time need improvement now the last chance for the submitted the proposal date 23Nov 2011can u help me

  7. God, I feel like I sholud be takin notes! Great work

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