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Friday, October 14, 2011


HRM619 Project Proposal announced

Dear Student HRM619-Project

This is to inform you that assignment 01 (project/dissertation proposal) has been given on VULMS. The formats of project/dissertation proposal are available in Lesson 6:FORMATS as well as in DOWNLOADS. You are required to choose the appropriate one according to your selection i.e. Project or Dissertation.

It is advised hereby to explore the following links to get the usable helping material as well as formats:

§ FAQs

§ Lessons

§ Downloads

You must submit your project/dissertation proposal by uploading it against assignment 01 on VULMS before due date (October 19, 2011). Make sure no submission will be entertained through E-mail

The Assignment#01 - Proposal for project/ dissertation is COMPULSORY which shall be evaluated to determine the validity of the proposal.

§ A list of topics (Updated) is available in DOWNLOADS section on VULMS for guidance purpose only. Make sure that any of those topics may be selected but it is not allowed to submit the same work as already submitted by any other student.

§ It is required to submit the proposal (not only the topic) according to the specified format.

§ Late submissions will NOT be entertained.
§ You are strictly advised to consult:

You are strictly advised to consult:

1. Video lectures course STA630: Research Methods
2. Research Methods by Uma Sekran
3. Business Research Methods by Donald R. Cooper & C. William Emory

Copied work will be completely rejected without any consideration and shall be strictly dealt as per clause#1 of ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY given below:


Virtual University has Zero Tolerance Policy for plagiarized work. Such cases are dealt very strictly as per HEC rules.

Submission of any fake/forge documents is a crime which shall NOT be excused under any circumstances.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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