Sunday, October 23, 2011
vuaccess has announced the Result of FINI619 Internship Reports
Vuaccess has announced the result of FIN619 internship Reports. Those students who, s submitted their internship reports to vuaccess for checking purpose are hereby informed that their checked internship reports with comments have been sent on their provided address. Students are advised to strictly follow the guidelines then submit their internship reports to university.Students are advised to see their marked reports and improve it accordingly. Your internship reports have been marked with under below comments. Students may read their highlighted areas
Those students whom their internship has been declared as needs for improvement, are advised to modify their reports as per given comments then submit it to their university. Strictly follow the under below guidelines.
FIN619 Reports marked Comments
Please remove the mistakes as highlighted in this Report while preparing for the next session that is submission of internship report and Presentation and Viva Voce
You should have a clear understanding of all the workings and activities that you have performed in the departments mentioned in your Internship Report. You should be able to interpret the ratios by discussing the reason(s) why the fluctuation/change in trend is observed in ratios in 2008-2010.
You should mention the unit of measurement with each ratio i.e. Rs, times, percentage, etcetera. In the Ratio Analysis portion it is necessary that you should have the result understanding.
Result understanding: i.e. what does the answer derived from ratio calculation indicates? You have to critically analyze the result of calculated ratio by explaining the relationship of numerator with that of a denominator*. Also, you should identify the item(s) from the numerator and/or denominator that is causing the significant change in the particular ratio of the selected companies.
In interpretation of ratios, you are required to interpret the result of ratio in particular year, e.g. If result of current ratio is 1.1:1 in 2010 then it means that if the company has the Current Liabilities worth Rs 1 then the company has Rs 1.1 to pay off its current liabilities.
Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Result figure always represent numerator e.g. if result is 1.75 then it will present the current assets where the current liabilities are assumed as 1, (as current ratio unit is in ratio ( : ) or times).
You should divide the conclusion portion into two parts. In the first part you should conclude based upon the Internship program and in the second part you should provide the conclusion based on the Ratio Analysis such as regarding her profitability, leverage positions, etcetera.
In this portion you were required to mention the ratios of the organization which were weak or needs attention. You were required to highlight the area of the organization which requires attention.
In recommendations portion, you should provide the possible suggestions/recommendations to improve the points/problems highlighted in the
Conclusion portion.
In this portion you do NOT tell that what the organization should do rather you are required to provide suggestions or recommendations that how they can remove or reduce the problem(s) identified in the conclusions portion.
Checked and comments by Mian aamir iqbal anjum
If you have any question regarding to FIN619 Internship Reports, you are more then welcome to write us at wish you best of luck

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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