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Tuesday, January 3, 2012


MBA Project on Performance Appraisal System

This project report described the 360 degree feedback in Performance Appraisal System with Components of 360 Degree Appraisal, Self Appraisal, Superior Appraisal, Peer Group Appraisal and Subordinate Appraisal.

360 degree feedback : According to Milliman and others, “360-degree appraisal is the process of systematically gathering data on a person’s skills, abilities and behaviors from a variety of sources-the manager, peers, subordinates and even customers and clients”.

Components of 360 Degree Appraisal:
The components of 360-degree appraisal are described as under:

1. Self Appraisal : Self-appraisal is a very important part of the 360 degree appraisal system because it gives the employee absolute freedom to look at his strengths and an opportunity to assess the performance. Self-appraisal also provides an opportunity to the employee to express his career moves for the future.

Another important area of self-appraisal is the concern for self-renewal and development of the employee.

2. Superior Appraisal : Here the focus is to provide constructive feedback on employee’s performance and his development needs. It is the responsibility of the superior to put carrier aspirations of the employee in proper perspective.

Firstly, superior must communicate to the employee in clear way what the organization plans for the employees.

Secondly, if the employees have unrealistic aspirations, then also it is superior’s responsibility to share with the employee the realistic picture given his/her strengths, development areas, experience, qualifications and the organization’s ability to provide growth. This is how the superior’s appraisal has a very significant role to play rather than the “fixing” syndrome (condition) of the traditional appraisal system.

3. Peer Group Appraisal : Peers play an important role in the life of an employee in the organization. They can also provide a deep insight into the personality make up, attitude and style of working of the employee. Peers both from within the department as well as from the other departments which are directly connected with the working of employee’s department are to be included in this system.

Peer appraisal must strive to get the feedback on

Employee’s working style,
Eensitivity towards others,
Spirit of co-operation and collaboration, and
Ability to work as a team member.
Subordinate’s Appraisal : It signifies two things.

Firstly, is a clear expression from the organization that it encourages openness and that feedback is a two-way process.

Secondly, it is a systematic recognition of the fact than employee’s subordinates do play a vital role in his appraisal. Thus, the purpose of subordinate’s appraisal is to get first hand assessment of how the subordinates perceive their superior to be in terms of:

The upward appraisal also provides an opportunity to the subordinates to give feedback to their superior on the kind of things they would like him/her to continue doing (status quo), things they would like him/her to stop doing (arrears for corrective action), things they would like him/her to start doing (areas for new initiatives).


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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