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Wednesday, January 11, 2012


What should I wear for the first day of school?(tips)

Each year, the first day of school is fresh start. It provides a yearly opportunity for reinvention. If you want to change the way teachers and other students see you, the first day gives you that chance. It allows you to redefine the way you present yourself, and establishes a foundation for how you will be seen for the rest of the school year. The night before your first day of school, when you are standing in front of your closet trying to lay out an outfit, there are a few things you want to remember.

Wear something you can dress up or down with different accessories. Such as leggings with a long shirt that u can either use a leather belt to be casual or a dressy metal belt to b more elegant. I agree with the ballet shoes because they can b either casual or dressy. Then u can add either leather bracelets or nice gold or silver ones. Earrings are also a good way either dress up or down. You should not wear anything that would not allow u to change the look by adding or taking off accessories. I would dress up the accessories then if u feel overdresses, u can start taking them off & slip them into your bag.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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