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Saturday, September 24, 2011


MKT619-Final Project-Marketing (Readymade Project)

Dear Students

We are Professional for Writing MBA,BBA Final Projects, Internship Reports, Proposals, Especially VU and Aiou Final Projects and Reports. We ensure you our Projects, Internship Reports will never Failed because MBA Projects and Reports being prepared under the care of PH.D.M.PHIL PROFESSOR. Select Your Virtual University Project or Internship and then send your selected topic through email

We prepare the Project on Demand

Please select your Project from under below Topic then email us with your Company and title

1.Comparison of product strategies

2.Comparison Advertising Strategies
3.Comparison Pricing Strategies
4.Comparison of brand loyalty
5.Comparison of CRM strategies
6.Comparison of personality branding
7.Does personalities of celebrities match with the brands advertised
8.Factors behind effectiveness of advertising
9.Factors behind effectiveness of branding
10.Dimensions of brand personality
11.Brand as a source of competitive edge
12.Brand development process

Dear students Select your Topic from above topics then contact us

Readymade Project are also available, 100 % Approval Guarantee see the list

1.Comparison of Advertising strategies between Mobilink and Warid

2. Comparison of Advertising strategies Between Zong and Ufone
3.Comparison of Brand loyalty of Pepsi Cola with that of Coca cola
4.Advertising strategies of Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola
5.Advertising strategies of Zong and Ufone
6.Advertising strategies of Telenore and Warid
7.Advertising strategies of Telenore and Ufone
8.Advertising strategies of Telenore and Zong
9.Advertising strategies of Ufone and Warid
10.Advertising strategies of Ufone and Telenore
11.Advertising strategies of Ufone and Mobilink
12.Advertising strategies of Mobilink and Warid
13.Advertising strategies of Mobilink and Telenore
14.Advertising strategies of Mobilink and Zong
15.Pricing strategy of Mobilink Jazz and Ufone
16.Pricing strategy of Mobilink Jazz and Warid
17.Pricing strategy of Mobilink Jazz and Zong
18.Pricing strategy of Mobilink Jazz and Telenore
19.Pricing strategy of Honda City and Toyota Corolla XLI
20.Pricing strategy of Honda Motorcycle (Cd70) and Yamaha
21.Role of Advertisement in Brand image of McDownald
22.Role of Advertisement in Brand image of KFC
23.Role of Advertisement in Brand image of AFC
24.Brand as source of Competitive Edge
25.Advertising strategies of PTCL Wirless and World Call

Note:- Dear Students if you topic for VU Projects of MKT619  is not available or company are different then send your title through email we will prepare your project accordingly

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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