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Monday, September 19, 2011


MKT619 Final Project on Comparison of Advertising Strategies

MKT619 Final Project on Comparison of Advertising Strategies

Project Elements as Sample

Executive Summary

Advertising is a major tool for increasing company revenue by delivering effective message strategy to people. This study is also going to show you, how advertising effect the customer decision when he or she seeing both company ads, we also try to find out how that Does both companies advertisement position simply& with unmistaken clarity?.

Is this advertising built on compelling & persuasive consumer benefits?. Hence for the sake of both companies advertising strategy I had conducted various analysis to show how customer think, what are the various perception of the people towards companies advertising strategy. I have done various analyses to show which company is adopting effective ads strategy. For clearness and better understand, you will see in the next page I my study has done comparison between two companies with graph ally presentation. Major portion of my study is Research methodology where you could read research is going to done what is nature of this study, data sources data processing and analysis, in the last I have also wrote some necessary recommendation for both companies for improvements. Some true finding was found during the research.

Majority of the consumers has seen the Warid ads as compare to Mobilink; you could see our finding in the second question. Warid delivered information through advertisement related to product quality and about discount, So majority of the consumers talked about Warid Ads are effective then Mobilink. Mobilink advertisement gave less information about product quality and about discount price as compare to Warid ads. Majority of the consumers were found strongly agree that due to Warid advertisement I can easily understand the product and its features. Majority of the consumers were found disagree and strongly disagree as they could not understand the product and its features from Mobilink Ads. According to our finding, Warid ads are much fun to watch as compare to Mobilink We have found Warid ads were much informative then Mobilink ads

Introduction to Project

Actually, advertising is very important and vital elements of marketing mix. Now days, most of the companies is spending lot of money to spreading its Product, service message to their customers or people. Because lot of competitors surveyed in the market with having same product features. So gain customers from through advertising, it needs effective advertising strategy. Most of the people think that people buy product or service due to price or quality, but on the other hand lot of people also think people come and buy product after seeing and understanding the effective, attractive ads of the companies. Most of the companies gain customers through effective advertising strategy, this study is going to proved that how to effective advertising strategy attracted the customers and what are the various perception people have about companies ads. Mobilink and Warid are both have very largest network in Pakistan. Both are competitors each other. We have seen that some people used Mobilink connection and some people used Warid, it is due to how they catch message about product and service and they prefer to buy. Now is the age of competition, advertising is vital tool to attract customers towards products, as advertising has been always very interesting but the factor is that how much has this ad aided in improving its sales or revenue .Today all the business depend on advertising and marketing. Mass Production need mass consumption which in turn requires advertising to the mass market through the mass media. So this project will also discuss about advertising strategy of both companies.

1.2 Background of the project

The back ground of the project is to analyze advertising strategy of Mobilink and Warid. The study will find out what is various effective advertising tools and strategies that helps the both companies to gain more and more customers by adopting effective advertising strategy. So for this purpose study is going to conduct to find out

1. Hw both companies getting more customers by adopting effective advertising tools and strategy
2. People perception about company ads
3. People react feed back after seeing ads
4. How to advertising help customers to understand the product and much more

The main purpose of this project is concerned to done comparative analysis between both companies advertising strategy. Advertising considered a important tools to attract the customer towards products. It depends how company convey a message to their customers through using effective tools. Mobilink is also adopting effective tools to deliver message to its customers, but on the other side Warid is also adopting different advertising tools for delivering products features message. Both companies are increasing their sales revenue through effective advertising strategy. Most of the customer comes to buy connection after seeing different ads on different channel. In this study will find customers perception about both companies advertising strategy. ? I will also find out how both companies could improve sales volumes with the help of advertisement. In shortly My Project will cover both companies advertisement strategy, effectiveness of both companies’ advertisements.

Table of Content Comparison of Advertising Strategies Project

1.1 Introduction of the project 8
1.2 Background of the project 8
1.3 Company’s introduction 10
1.5 Objectives of the project 10
1.6 Significance of the project 11

Advertising strategies of Mobilink 112.1 Marketing mix of Mobilink 11
2.2 Market segmentation strategies of Mobilink 14
2.3 Target marketing strategies of Mobilink 15
2.4 Advertising objectives of Mobilink 15
2.5 Message strategy 15
2.6 Message execution 16

Competitor Analysis (Warid) 16

3.1 Introduction of Warid 16
3.2 Marketing mix of Wataniya 17
3.3 Market segmentation strategies of Warid 18
3.4 Target marketing strategies of Warid 18
3.5 Advertising objectives of Warid 18
3.6 Message strategy of Warid 19
3.7 Message execution by Warid 19
3.8 Major media types used by Wataniya 19
3.9 Specific media vehicles (such as TV. Radio etc) used by Warid 20
3.10 Media timing used by Warid 21


4.1 Data Collection Sources 21
4.1.1 Primary sources 22
4.1.2 Secondary sources of data collection 22
4.3.1 Sample size 22
4.3.2 Sampling technique 22
4.3.3 Target Population 22
Data Collection tools 23

Data processing and Data analysis 23

Conclusion, recommendations and limitations: 61
Conclusion, 61
Recommendation 63
6.3 Limitations 64
a) Introduction of the student 65
b) Appendix/Appendixes 66

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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