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Wednesday, September 28, 2011


MKT619-Final Project on product strategies

MKT619-Final Project on Comparison of product strategies

Automobile company is expanding their business very rapidly and its great impact of in our country economic growth. Some years ago people did not aware about this field as we can say people did not have any interest or willing to purchase automobile products. As time past, people adopt modern trend people interest regarding to vehicle interest increase dramatically. Hence automobile companies being to start their business in Pakistan as people demand was increasing. In Pakistan two companies expand their business to fulfill people demand, presently in Pakistani market two leaders companies name Honda and Toyota Corolla are surveying in the market. According to various study, both brand are market leaders. This study is also going to conduct over these both companies brand, why people like to buy Honda City, and why most of the people prefer to drive Toyota corolla (XLI).

The main purpose of project is to analyze brand loyalty of Honda City and Toyota Corolla. This study will find out the reason and those factors that make them strengthen and strong position in the market. For the sake of this purpose, it has been decided to work on it. Both Honda City and Toyota Corolla have been fulfilling the perceive value of the customer i.e

1. price paid is reliable

2. After sales service

3. Resale value

1. Majority of the respondents who are using Honda brands, were strongly agree that we will disapprove other brands if any company will offers with the same features. So this result indicate very strong brand loyalty towards Honda

2. People buy Honda City, like Honda brand, due to brands attributes.

3. Toyota Corolla has less consumers loyalty towards its brands as compare to Honda city as it have very less brands attributes

4. Honda create strongly brands loyalty of the consumers towards particular brands due to effective advertisement

5. Majority of the consumers were strongly agree and agree that we remind the Honda brands to others, according to them they force the others person to use this brands as it have more features as compare to others. This response also create strong brand loyalty towards company brands

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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