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Wednesday, September 28, 2011


MKTI619 Internship Report on Bank of Punjab

MKTI619 Internship Report on Bank of Punjab is provide service to help the students to provide them quality of Internship report of Virtual university of Pakistan.  We have wrote lot of Internship report on Bank of Punjab. Our Report will go through

Report Executive Summary

The main theme behind this report is to help understand the major functions of the Marketing Department of BOP as I had the opportunity of interning at this prestigious bank. As we know that Internship experience is very important and helpful before anyone goes looking for a job. Employers want people who have experience. Internship gives students the opportunity to grow, academically and personally. When anyone initially starts out he is going to be doing the menial repetitive task that every new person had to do. However this is not necessarily negative as it teaches the person responsibility at the smallest level. The major part of my report is a training program; you could read all my tasks which I assigned during the internship. This report is typically has been made on the BOP Marketing activities, its promotion, segments, and target marketing. Readers will be able to read BOP customers retain technique and how BOP deal with the customers.

BOP main objective are to provide its customers with safe, secure, valuable and reliable service through wide range of products. The report covers all the product information provided by the bank and consists of eight parts: Profile of banking industry, profile of company, company business process, and departmental functions of company, SWOT analysis of industry, SWOT analysis of company, Problems and recommendations. I believe that this report will provide some very important information regarding my departments (Account opening department, foreign trade department, car finance department and accounts department). The SWOT analysis is covered in the report to show the standing of the company in the recent market

Other vital Portion of this Report are

1. Training program

2. Critical analysis
4. Conclusion
5. Recommendation

Dear Students We are Professional for Writing Virtual University of Pakistan Internship Report on any topic, if you are interested that we will prepare your MKT619-Internship Report-Marketing then write us.

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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