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Thursday, September 29, 2011


MKT619 Final Project on brand loyalty

MKT619-Final Project on Comparison of Brand loyalty

Executive Summary

The reason behind for conducting this study is to analyze Brand Loyalty of KFC and AFC in Islamabad Origin. Both are the market Leaders. You will see in the next pages, the study will find out the factors those make both companies strengthen and strong position in the market, hence this study is going to conduct over both companies. As we know that KFC Pakistan has an destructive plan to expand their business in all other cities Pakistan. According to various study, there are many key success factors due to which KFC is successful in the market. People mostly prefer international restaurants it has good quality foods, friendly environment and reasonable charges.  AFC is also trying to provide good quality of product to their consumers. AFC has the same environment like KFC; KFC has variety of meals as compared to KFC. It provides large range of burger, fries and ice cream too. But according to our study analysis AFC has limited variety of burgers and friends as compare to KFC. We have find that customers prefer brands name when choosing any restaurant therefore KFC is also enjoying its high market share due to brand name in Pakistan. So the main reason of holding survey market to analyze the comparison of brand loyalty of KFC AND AFC.  In research the customers perception has been observed, what they think and how they think about particular brand. Survey has been conducted in Islamabad. We have taken 120 respondents as sample; all respondents were surveyed by questionnaires. Data has been proceed on excel sheet, for analysis frequency table and graph has been also been made for data presentation. After the finding, we have wrote some recommendation and suggestion while keeping in mind the result of this study

Project Summary
This study has been conducted regarding to brand loyalty towards KFC and AFC brand. The main purpose of this research were to find out the consumers perception, loyalty towards particular company and find out those factors who make the companies more strengthen and strong or create good image in the mind of consumers. As we have seen we have done various analyses to find out these factors. Data was collected from the both companies Consumers through questionnaires. Convenience sampling technique was used for collecting the data from the consumers. During study I have found some true under below facts

Reasons for selecting Brand Loyalty Project

• To measure the brand loyalty of the Company
• To measure the brand loyalty of Competitors
• To compare the brand loyalty of both the companies.

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →


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