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Saturday, October 1, 2011


MKT619-Project on Role of Advertisement in brand image

MKT619-Project on Role of Advertisement in brand image

Dear Students has published lot of MKT619-Final Project-Marketing to help those students who cannot make their Projects effectively. Today we are going to discuss very essential topic the role of advertisement in brand image


My effort is dedicated to my parents and my brothers from whom I learnt the art of sacrifice & who are a continuing source of inspiration for me.

Executive Summary

It is very essential, that every product require effective advertisement for building good image in the consumer mind. For gaining competitive advantage, company needs effective, proper advertising, branding and sales promotion. The branding, and effective advertisement results in increase in sales. Hence it is necessary that any company should make advertising strategy, brand strategy more effective, and carefully. Every person knows that Advertisement play dramatically role for increase company sales, as well as the brand image in eyes of the customers. Sales will increase when brand image will be strong, various studies have been conducted over this topic, how advertisement play role for creating good brand image in consumer minds. A variety of reasons for this increase emphasis on image in marketing can be recommended

Advertising increasing cognizance of the behavioral aspects of the consumers decision making

The fact that technological innovation, increasingly susceptible to raped imitation may no longer offer previous levels of sustainable competitive advantage

The main objective for conducting this study is to examine the role which advertising plays in developing brand image. This study is going to conduct over Macdonald Company; study will dig out how advertisement builds the good brand image in consumer minds. The other purpose of this study is to examining the various levels of marketing imagery and focuses on those elements which Macdonald controls in the image formation process. In the next coming pages, this study will show the role of advertisement for building strong brand image. Primary data will be used for this study, and it will be collected from the consumers through questionnaires. Readers will also study the Summary, which contain the true findings and results. After true finding, we have suggested some necessary recommendation to improve highlighted areas.

Introduction of the study

It goes without saying that brand image can not be created, developed, and maintained without the significant role of advertising. Carefully designed advertisings campaigns help create and build brand image throughout the life-cycle of a product.

This project will explore the importance of advertising in brand image of McDonald. It will emphasize the role of advertising in the making of brand name McDonald. The role it plays in the creation of a brand, the role it performs in the development of a brand and the contribution advertising makes in maintaining the brand image. More importantly, how consumers interpreted advertisements of McDonald to form the image in their minds about McDonald and its products.

The results of this project will have wide-range implications for every brand manager and every company planning their advertising campaigns. This study will further reinforce the widely held belief of brand managers in the power of advertising.

Written by Mian Aamir

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Author: Mohammad
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