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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


MKT619 Final Project and Data Collection

Which technique is good to collect data? Quantitative or Qualitative.

Dear Students

It depends on the nature of your research. Sometime you can not obtain data in figures (where no documentation is available) so in such case you have to collect qualitative data. e.g. if you conduct research to know people’s attitude towards the taste of any packed milk, you will go in the market, ask questions from different people who are the user of packed milk, in this case you are collecting qualitative data. But if you are conducting research to know how many people pay their taxes in a year, you will just go in the tax department and you will collect data in figures from the previous records which are available in the tax department and this will be quantitative type of data. So according to the nature of your research, you have to choose that whether you can obtain data from qualitative research or quantitative
Sir What Method is best to collects information for a research,applied or basic research
Dear Students
Research is done to gather information about any problem in the universe through a systematic way.
In research work, information about specific problem can be obtained by using two ways

Basis research: This type of research just enhances researcher’s own knowledge i.e. researcher conducts this type of research for himself/ herself. So in this way it helps in generating new ideas (different scientific theories are examples of basic research).
Applied research: This type of research is specifically conducted to solve a problem. The information which is gathered through this research further processed to generate some results. Thus results obtained are used to solve the specific problem. Different companies conduct this type of research to solve their problems.

So if the researcher’s purpose is not to apply the findings of research practically and he/ she is conducting research just for his/ her own knowledge then this will be basic research. But if the research is specifically conducted to find out the solution of a problem and the findings of research will be used practically then this type of research will be applied.

Replied by Mian aamir iqbal anjum

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