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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


MKT619 Final Project and Purpose of research

Dear students We have received lot of questions from the Virtual University Students about MKT619-Final Project and purpose of research. we are receiving the under below questions from lot of students. Hence Mian aamir iqbal anjum has decided to reply  the question at this platform however students could get more concept regarding to MKT619 final Project-and its purpose

Kindly differentiate between the purpose of research and use of  research ?

Dear MKT619-Final Project Students
Purpose of research is the reason and intention of the researcher for doing the research. Purpose of research can be organized on the basis of what task the researcher wants to accomplish by conducting research.

  • Exploratory research is conducted to explore a new topic. It is used where the researcher has no or limited prior knowledge.
  • Descriptive research has basic purpose of describing and unfolding the characteristics of a phenomenon or fact.
  • Explanatory research is conducted when the issue is already known and described. Such research builds on the exploratory and descriptive research and work out to know the reasons for the occurrence of something. It seeks causes and effects of the issues being studied

 For example:

Scientists, now a days are conducting research on possibility of finding life on Mars. No prior facts about that issue were available such research has a purpose to explore an untouched issue, so is called Exploratory research.

United Nations Organization (UNO) conducts research every year to know the facts and figures relating to the poverty rate, literacy rate, and population growth of different countries. This research has sole purpose of describing the phenomenon or issue so is called Descriptive research.

Global warming has increased the temperature of Earth and caused major climatic changes in the world so scientists who want to know the causes and effects of global warming are doing Explanatory research as they are trying to explain the phenomenon.

Use of research on the other hand is the utilization of the knowledge extracted through research process.

■One use can be simply the generation and creation of knowledge. Researchers, who simply seek an understanding of issues and phenomenon, generally want to use their research results to expand knowledge and understanding of the issues being studied. Such research is called Basic research.

■Another use of research is to seek answers to some problem. This is known as Applied research. It focuses on the use of research to find out a solution to a practical problem or issue. And its use and application is mostly on that specific problem and all related problems of same nature.

Another Question Raise by lot of Students

Dear Sir Please tell me about Dissertations, Government documents, How We Design A Research

Dear Students

Dissertation is a document written and developed by the Master, M.Phil or PhD scholars on some specific subject. A dissertation is a contribution to the knowledge. A dissertation is a formal document whose sole purpose is to prove that you have made an original contribution to the body of knowledge.

Government documents are the documents compiled by the government about the latest facts and figures in particular field. For example ‘Economic Review’ is published each year to show the latest trends of the economy, increasing or decreasing national income, economic growth, and inflation rate etc.

Conducting a research is a very complex and laborious job if it is not planned. Designing a research means to set parameters for research. It will set the boundaries for your research field and all the issues that fall out of the set parameters will not be taken into consideration. How much time you can allocate to your research? Also mention the maximum number of research reports you will examine as there must be countless reports available on a topic and in limited time you will not be able to examine all of those. How will you write bibliographic citation. The more you try to be careful, systematic, and organized the more research work will become interesting and fruitful.


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Author: Mohammad
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