Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Report of Internship of Bank of Punjab (HRM)2011
HRM619-Internship Report-HRM the bank of punjab
1. Account Opening Department
2. Remittance Department
3. Clearing Department
4. Accounts Department
5. Credit Department
Deposit Products include
I. Current Accounts
II. BOP Basic Banking Account
III. BOP Tijarat Account (LCY)
IV. BOP FCY Supreme Current Account
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This report has been prepared after getting internship in BOP branch Laqat Road Sahiwal. The virtual university has given me task to done it in any organization. So I have selected the bank of the Punjab for getting practical knowledge. I have divided my reports in various portions. The main purpose of this report is to analyze the HR activities adopt by the BOP. The first portions of my report consist on History of Bop, its board of Directors and review of committee.
Further Readers will able to understand about BOP mission and Vision too. In the next coming pages, Report is giving a whole picture of BOP business volume, its products lines, what are the main clients, and what are the whole competitors. In the 3rd portion, I have written BOP department’s information, its task, all department function.
So it will increase the awareness of the readers regarding to BOP Departments activities. The other main and vital portion of my report is my tasks which have been assigned during internship. In report I have mentioned all departments I worked and got practical knowledge. Here I want to mention these entire departments which I got training.
1. Account Opening Department
2. Remittance Department
3. Clearing Department
4. Accounts Department
5. Credit Department
The main portion of my report regarding to BOP HRM activities will be start after my training program. I have written the structure of HRM department, its recruiting process, selecting process, hiring process, training and development, opportunities and benefits, labor management relation conduct by the BOP.
After this portion, you will be able to read about Critical analysis with my true observation. Report will also show you the SWOT analysis, where readers could able to understand BOP strength, weakness, opportunity and threats. After that I have also written conclusion and necessary recommendation in light my finding.
BOP is essentially a financial organization. The bank is concerned about the commercial banking and related services in Pakistan and abroad. The nature of the operations of the bank is different and unique from other banks / financial institutions working in Pakistan.
Balance of payments is the largest commercial bank in Pakistan. After redefining its role has become a modern commercial bank rather than a public sector organization.
Bank services are accessible to people, the government and the business sector. It also deals with treasury operations of the Government of Pakistan as an agent for the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP in places where no presence).
It has a diversified business portfolio and is now a front-end player in the market for debt securities, agricultural finance, corporate investment banking, retail and consumer banking, treasury services and are taking a growing interest in development of small and medium businesses. It is also fulfilling its social responsibilities as a corporate citizen.
BOP is a Governmental Organization. it implements the policies of State Bank of Pakistan as it is the agent of SBP. It deals all Government Revenue, collection and payments of salaries, pensions and also payments related to the Government Treasury.
The bank also provides services as trustee to National Investment Trust (NIT) and Long-Term Credit Fund (LTCF).
Deposit Products include
I. Current Accounts
II. BOP Basic Banking Account
III. BOP Tijarat Account (LCY)
IV. BOP FCY Supreme Current Account
Get Full Report, send us email at vuaccess@gmail.com

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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