Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Final Project on Comparison of Advertising Strategy of Gillette
Final Project on Comparison of Advertising Strategy of Gillette
We know that a straight-edge razor required frequent honing and stropping, an inconvenience that frustrated King C Gillette, a forty year old traveling sales man living in Brook Line, Massachusetts. Gillette was an author and social reformer who had lofty goals for the betterment of mankind. a persistent thinker and a mature investor, he also had a personal dream, to invent a product that would bring back satisfied customers again and again.
One morning while shaving, the concept of the safety razor with disposable blades came to him " in a flash of inspiration". He begins working on a model razor that same day. Gillette was beset with financial and technical problems for several years, but his dream finally became reality. In 1901, he founded the Gillette company, and in 1903 the Gillette safety razor was launched. Gillette's invention was said to have changed the face of a nation and revolutionized the shaving habits of mankind.
Although the first year, sales of the safety razor amounted to only 51 razors and 168 blades, the self-shave concept was beginning to take hold. by the end of the following year, over 90,000 razor were in the hands of American shavers. the growing firm, now called the Gillette safety razor company, established a factory in south Boston in 1905.the company quickly grew internationally as well. By the end of the decade, Gillette has established a factory in Paris to meet European demand and had sale office in London, Paris and Berlin. Before the outbreak of World War 1, total blades sales had risen to over 40 million units annually.
From there, the company continued to grow, and by the time Gillette celebrated its twenty fifth anniversary in 1926, King C Gillette's face and trademark were recognized throughout the world. Even at the stage, the Gillette Company was considered an innovative marketer of new shaving products of consistently better quality.
The company has grown tremendously since then expanding its business into toiletries, personal care products, cosmetics, oral care, household and personal care appliances, stationary products and alkaline batteries. Today the Gillette company employees more than 44000 people with sales of $10 billion, and distribution in more than 200 countries. But now, just as at the beginning of this century, the core of the company continues to be its worldwide leadership in blades and razors.
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